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College CET CODE 112

Women Cell

Women’s Day 2024

Date and Venue: 13/03/2024 SKIT Seminar Hall
Resource person: Panel Discussion (Laya Venkatesh, Chaitra V, Sowrabha Lakshman and shruthi kiran)
Event objective and outcomes:
The objective of International women’s day celebration is to raise awareness about gender equality and women’s rights, celebrate the achievements of women in various fields, and advocate for further progress towards gender parity. It serves as a remainder of the ongoing struggle for women’s empowerment and highlights the need to address issues such as gender discrimination, violence against women, unequal opportunities and barriers to women’s advancement in society.
Outcome: Celebrating women’s day was a platform to empower women by providing them with a platform to showcase their talents and bring together students, faculty, staff and community members. The panel discussion provided information about various opportunities that women have in various fields.
Event Coordinator: Prof.Sindhoora K Shetty, Department of Basic Science artment of Basic Science

Personality Development Workshop for students

Date and Venue: 12/06/2024 SKIT Seminar Hall
Resource person: Nihal Dubey and Tanya Kushwaha
Event objective and outcomes:
1. To Build leadership qualities
2. To motivate the girl students on their journey towards self-awareness and empowerment
Outcome: Personality development is crafted to empower the students is to make positive changes in one’s personality develop leadership qualities and to realize their true potential
Event Coordinator: Prof. Ramya B, Department of Civil Engineering.

Self care and well being: A holistic approach for college students

Date and Venue: 29/11/2023 SKIT Seminar Hall and A110
Resource person: Ms. Shrilakshmi HEDGE, Mr. Sarvesh S Batni
Event objective and outcomes:
To bring the awareness amongst the students about the importance of self care and grooming. To provide information on the benefits of maintaining good personal hygiene practices for both physical and mental well-being.
Outcome: The students learnt about various grooming tips. They also learnt how to dress and look presentable for big events such as work interviews. The students also got to know about various methods to keep themselves clean and tidy.
Event Coordinator: Prof. Sindhu K, Department of Basic Science
coordinator: Prof. Sindhu K, Department of Basic Science

Empowering women, Navigating Legal Social and Economic Frontier

Date and Venue: 10/01/2024 SKIT Seminar Hall and A110
Resource person: Mrs. Uma Arya
Event objective and outcomes:
Women’s empowerment is very essential for the development of society. Empowerment means individuals acquiring the power to think and act freely, exercise choice and full fill their potential as full and equal members of society. As per the United National Development Fund for women (UNIFEM), the term women’s empowerment means:
Acquiring knowledge and understanding of gender relations and the ways in which these relations may be changed
1. Developing a sense of self-worth, a belief in one’s ability to secure desired changes and the right to control one’s life
2. Gaining the ability to generate choices exercise bargaining power
3. Developing the ability to organize and influence the direction of social change, to create a more just social and economic order, nationally and internationally
Outcome: The empowerment of women has become one of the most important concerns of the 21 st century not only at the national level but also at the international level. Women empowerment helpa to make the society and world a better place to live in and march forward on way to inclusive participation in the legal field. It means to increase happiness for the family and the organizations where women make a difference.
Event Coordinator: Prof. Sindhu K, Department of Basic Science