1. To ensure equity and equal opportunity to the community at large in the college and bring about social
2. To enhance the diversity among the students, teaching and non-teaching staff population and at the same
time eliminate the perception of discrimination.
3. To create a socially congenial atmosphere for academic interaction and for the growth of healthy
interpersonal relationships among the students coming from various social backgrounds.
4. To make efforts to sensitize the academic community regarding the problems associated with social
exclusion as well as aspirations of the marginalized communities.
5. To help individuals or a group of students belonging to the disadvantaged section of society to
contain the problems related to discrimination.
6. To look into the grievances of the weaker section of society and suggest amicable solution to
their problems.
7. To disseminate the information related to schemes and programs for the welfare of the socially weaker
section as well as notifications / memoranda, office orders of the Government or other related
agencies/organizations issued from time to time.
8. To prepare barrier free formalities/procedures for admission/ registration of students belonging
to the disadvantaged groups of society.
9. To establish coordination with the Government and other agencies/organizations to mobilize academic
and financial resources to provide assistance to students of the disadvantaged groups.
10. To organize periodic meetings to monitor the progress of different schemes.
11. To adopt measures to ensure due share of utilization by SC/ST in admissions, recruitment (teaching
and non-teaching posts) and to improve their performances.
12. To sensitize the college on the problems of SC/ST and other disadvantaged groups.